Faith Evangelical Baptist Church of South Sudan (FEBAC-SS)

Welcome to the Faith Evangelical Baptist Church of South Sudan (FEBAC-SS) website. As a devoted member of the worldwide Baptist community, FEBAC-SS upholds the teachings of the Bible through both faith and action. Our dedication extends beyond spiritual guidance to include social initiatives aimed at improving the well-being of our community. Join us in our journey of service and fellowship.

  • Humanitarian Relief/Food Security Program: Helping the IDPS in South Sudan

FEBAC-SS Programs

Divine Providence has graced the Faith Evangelical Baptist Church of South Sudan (FEBAC-SS) with a variety of initiatives that are actively making a difference in South Sudan and across East Africa, particularly in Kenya and Uganda. At present, our active programs include:

For an in-depth understanding of our programs, please click on the respective project names listed above. The Faith Evangelical Baptist Church of South Sudan (FEBAC-SS) is fervently active in serving the community and ardently committed to disseminating the Gospel of our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our past and ongoing efforts reflect our dedication to this divine calling.